The 47%: Let's Dust Off Some Tanks

   The 47%World of Tanks

First stream for The 47% - where I show how I clearly make the top half possible… :smiley:

I apologize in advance for the audio issues. Apparently I don’t have the settings right just yet.

Help out by:

  • Following on Twtich, and even watching when you have time! I have my streaming schedule posted there, and I sometimes do random extras - so if you follow you’ll get notified when I go live.
  • Subscribing on YouTube, and even watching there from time to time. I’ll post all my Live Stream replays there, as well as episodes and various other bits.
  • Support through Stream Labs - this is pretty much running out of my back pocket. If you’re enjoying the content, consider helping out with some of the costs by donating/tipping on my Stream Labs page.

Ed: Ok, the audio is horrible and the video is no longer public on the YouTube channel… I kept this here more for historical reference.


