CoffeeCraft S03: Decorating the Nether Farms
Short stream… the intent was to decorate both farms in the nether. Had enough energy to gather materials and start thinking of a plan - and just ran out of steam. Next stream.
CoffeeCraft S03: 24 Piglins All In A Row
After many struggles, and no actually “family un-safe” words, 24 Piglins were acquired for the trading setup. All stacked neatly in a row, helmeted, tagged, and ready to load.
CoffeeCraft S03: Next Level Piglin Trading
Today we knock out the first part of one of the bigger tasks on our list - a bigger, better Piglin Bartering System. I’m using a design by LogicalGeekBoy, and I get the system put together. Next, capture 24 piglins without breaking the “family friendly” language…
CoffeeCraft S03: Next on The List
Ran through the to-do list, looking for an item that matched my current energy levels… worked a little on clearing out powdered snow, talked to Arcaidius about hiding the mob farm, and some other randomly random bits.
CoffeeCraft S03: Troubleshooting and Planning
Little more scattered today - server issues at the beginning of the stream really threw me off. Took some time to show off what was built over the weekend, and troubleshoot some issues. The last bit was trying to plan out the next few builds and get a better sense of what needs to be done.
CoffeeCraft S03: Melons, Pumpkins, and Kelp - Oh my!
Finally getting to work on the bespoke melon/pumpkin farm, cacti, and started in on the kelp.
CoffeeCraft S03: Redstone and Storage
Never quite got to the redstone part, mostly worked on getting the storage set up for it’s maiden run.
CoffeeCraft S03: Nether You Mine
Time to work towards some upgrades - Arcaidius and I take the tunnel bore into the Nether and go hunting Netherite (and other resources).
CoffeeCraft S03: Home Away from Home
The castle project has been a little neglected lately. We’ve all got our little private suite of rooms, so let’s work on mine tonight.
CoffeeCraft S03: Clearing the Temple
Work continues on clearing out the temple, and future home of a guardian farm. Quieter today, the congestion left over from the last two weeks is … still not clear. Hopefully Friday will be better. At least there was a lot of progress.