CoffeeCraft S02: Final Tour
The full crew is on today, and we do a tour of what we managed to accomplish in Season 02 on Skyblock. More than a few unfinished projects around this time… but a lot of fun was had, and we look forward to Season 03. :)
CoffeeCraft S02: Cactus and Sugar Cane
Doubled the size of the Cactus farm, but never quite got to the Sugar Cane farm… got distracted by completing some of the food challenges. Need to go fishing for a couple of them.
CoffeeCraft S02: Kelp and Other Small Farms
Finally get a small (but efficient) kelp farm together, and tear down the old sugarcane farm. Going to get a new sugarcane farm set up next, after expanding the cactus farm.
CoffeeCraft S02: Guardian Farm Part 2
Focusing on fixing the Guardian farm so it’s actually useful. Lessons learned along the way… but it works. Now I need to figure out how to manage an auto-off switch.
CoffeeCraft S02: Guardian Farm and Rising River
I’d intended to do a quick cap on the Guardian farm, and then get back to the river project… best laid plans and all that. Looks like I have a couple new things to figure out on the Guardian farm.
CoffeeCraft S02: Redstone and The River... Again
I think I finally got the redstone for the Wool farm working right. Put some more glass down in the river project, and started laying the foundation for the Guardian farm. We’re going to wrap up Season 02 at the end of the year and start Season 03 in a vanilla world running 1.18 in the new year. We’re also looking for a new host now that Cubedhost is shutting down. 😕
CoffeeCraft S02: Redstone and The River
Quick look at the changes that happened since last stream, name the villagers in the hopes that they don’t disappear (again again), and get a first draft of the wool farm auto-shutoff working. Some chatting with Rayeste, though I didn’t quite get to the river tonight.
CoffeeCraft S02: Randomly Random Projects
Mostly poking around at random projects while what was intended to be a short clip of tech gift ideas turns into most of the stream.
CoffeeCraft S02: Pigs and Cows Too
Expanded out the animal farm a bit, and then wrapped up with completing a couple challenges.
CoffeeCraft S02: Animal Farms
Temporarily taking a break from the river project so I can get cracking on the Animal Farm challenge. Got the wool farm going with one sheep of each colour. And automated (mostly, still need an auto-off) as all good farms are.