Games Revisited S01-E14: Loose Ends, Shopping, and Maybe Manaan
Today we tie up a few extra quests on Tatooine, peruse the items in the shop on Yavin, and then get introduced to the area at Manaan. I hurt my back earlier, so the stream ended up being a little shorter than normal… hopefully I’ll be ready for more next week.
CoffeeCraft S00: Fixing an Iron Deficiency
Today Arcaidius and I finally get around to fixing the Iron Farm. We’ve got projects coming up that are going to tap out the supplies we had stored from when the old farm broke during the update. Sadly not all the villagers made it… that might be the project for next week.
We used this design from docm77:
Also referenced this video from Pixlriffs for some building hints:
Games Revisited S01-E13: Finding the Star Map and Fomenting Rebellion
Today we grab the Star Map on Kashyyyk, help the Wookies start their rebellion against Czerka Corp., and spend some time getting to know the crew. There’s a lot of crew chatter on this one, but we do advance the various sub-stories quite a bit today - to include picking up the side quest for Carth’s son.
CoffeeCraft S00: Lighthouses and Nostalgia
…I’ll blame it on the late start, but I should have double-checked given how often it’s happened - XSplit randomly switched audio inputs, so there’s only my mic. No Discord. No background or game audio. Just me.
Today we take a quick look at some updated redstone for the lighthouse, and then go on a fun trip through a bunch of old worlds and the two servers that preceded Season 00. I’ll publish a cut version of the tour or re-record as Episode 01 later this week or the next.
Games Revisited S01-E12: Free Kashyyyk!
Today we pick up on Kashyyyk outside the Wookie village we logged off at last week, and after some chats with the natives we head down into the Shadowland. There we manage some quests, dispatch some Mandalorians, and handle just about everything … except the Star Map we went down there for. Just ran out of time, so that will be where we start next week.
CoffeeCraft S00: Lighthouses and More Redstone
Today we show off our new lighthouse, and wire up the redstone to turn the lights on at night. We then go over some future plans for the Iron Farm and Trading Hall.
The 47%: Tanks for All the HE
Last World of Tanks stream for a little while, need to focus on my other two a little more. Once I get a few more things in place I’ll come back.
Games Revisited S01-E11: A Day at the Races, A Night at the Store
It was supposed to be a little shopping, some of the stuff I’d originally planned to do off-stream, and then some racing. Supposed to be. So we level the minions, do some shopping, and find out that the course is going to take a lot more practice… so we go to Kashyyyk instead and start down the quests there.
CoffeeCraft S00: Casual Chats and Glass Floors
The stream starts with a quick rundown of some of the bigger scale projects, our plans for 1.14.4, and then we fly over to Arcaidius’ latest project and help him clear out some space and install a glass floor.
The 47%: Frontlines Fun for a Few
Today we remembered that Frontlines was going on this week and jumped back in for the first time since the initial run of the game mode … and it shows. If you want to feel better about your game play this is the one to watch.