CoffeeCraft S00: Weekend Projects and Redstone
Just me today, good or bad I leave that to you.
I do a quick run through of the various farms and upgrades that happened over the long weekend, we took a closer look at the combo egg/chicken farm, and then started work on the redstone for Arcaidius’ mob farm… and then promptly got stuck. Should have it fixed and ready for next week.
The 47%: Once More Unto the Breach
Just another fun bit of stress relief after a long week. This time joined by Fartrock and Arcaidius (well… he’s Arcaidius over in CoffeeCraft, JediHealer in World of Tanks).
Games Revisited S01-E03: Taris Gang Wars and Raging Rakghouls
Today we clear out some rakghouls, save a wookie, and further our part of the gang war in the lower parts of Taris. We seem to be getting closer to our original goal of saving the captive Jedi who crashed on the planet with us.
CoffeeCraft S00: Project Planning and Enlightenment
We’ve got the whole gang together again!
After a quick look at some of the changes made between streams, Arcaidius, Rayeste, and I start putting the plans together for our rail system. Once done with that and some related building, we start lighting up more of the area around our bases and community centre so we’re not attacked as frequently…
The 47%: British Tanks and Full Tea
We got a surprise raid early in the stream!
We start off with a bit of a British theme on the tanks, and get joined later by Hordesoflocusts and Fartrock. Unfortunately we couldn’t get Discord working, so more me chatting to myself than us chatting together.
And to finish it off we paid it forward, raiding a fellow streamer playing some WoT himself. A fun evening all in all.
Games Revisited S01-E02: Still on Taris
We continue revisiting Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic with some more exploration of Taris. Somehow we got drafted into a gang war and are now working our way through the sewers helping every poor soul along the way.
CoffeeCraft S00: Farm Tweaks and Expansion
Quick update on the happenings around the server, then we prep a couple farms for the impending update and add in some other bits that have been on the drawing board. Not all the animals cooperated…
The 47%: Can't Spell Hello without HE
Today Fartrock joins us a little way in, we grab some big caliber HE guns and have some fun.
Games Revisited S01-E01 'Knights of the Old Republic'
The inaugural stream for “Games Revisited”: I did a quick overview of what to expect for Season 1, rolled a new character, and started through the first planet.
CoffeeCraft S00: Looks Like it will be Alright in the End
Now that we’re on a better server, time to try our luck in the End again. Arcaidius was originally going to join, but wasn’t able to.