CoffeeCraft S02: Furnaces and Other Resources
Relaxed stream playing with carpet duplicators and furnaces. And it even mostly works!
CoffeeCraft S02: Iron and Villagers
Fun day - starting off with actual work done since last week, getting the iron farm finished, and the rudiments of the trading hall put together. XMedic_Frog and Arcaidius join for most of it too. Sadly, Rayeste’s computer is down for now.
Alt-F4: Another Run
Life got kinda crazy this week… looks like another run of runs in AltF4. :)
CoffeeCraft S02: Villager Stations
Started with the intention to build up a hall for the villagers … as soon as I get some. Got distracted with other things. XMedic_Frog and Arcaidius join in to chat.
ALT-F4: A Run of Runs
And now for something completely different… saw this on Grimli’s stream and thought it would make a good one-off while I get my regular schedule back on track. Enjoy the repeated fail and laugh with me.
CoffeeCraft S02: Resources And Minor Things
Just a casual solo stream, completing a couple challenges, gathering resources, and general cleanup. The holiday threw me off, so I wasn’t quite ready for today…
CoffeeCraft S02: Acquiring Villagers
The intent was to finish the project from Tuesday, and grab a couple zombie villagers to cure and get going on the trading… got one. Sort of. Maybe died a few times too.
CoffeeCraft S02: Picking Back Up
Trying to get settled back in after some unintended time off. Mostly trying to get some of the key challenges going that are holding back progress… with mixed success.
CoffeeCraft S02: Storage and Decorations
Chill stream today, getting the beginnings of a storage room together, and maybe something a little classier than a cobble platform.
CoffeeCraft S02: Crops and Storage
Had a couple things that really needed to get done - build some crop farms and get a proper storage setup. I only got the crop farms done, but there’s a micro farm that chews through bonemeal and a bigger semi-automatic farm that should be enough for me to manage on my own.